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Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter IV

Thank you for your patience as we’ve worked to get this discussion group onto the Unity Woods virtual schedule. Hope that everyone has had the opportunity to find time to tend to their loved ones and their personal practices. Time seems to keeps on sliding into itself and somehow as things seem as though they should be slowing, expanding and more expansive, they become more condensed and distilled.  We hope that you’ve found some time to read more of the Gita as there is much wisdom – especially in these times – to be gleaned from its pages.

Chapter 4 delves deeper into the the concept of the Yoga of Knowledge (Jñana Yoga) which was briefly introduced in chapter 3. While this chapter is steeped in the Vedic tradition of sacrifice, we’ll be looking at this from the perspective of renunciation through knowledge.

The chapter explains the nature of work and discusses three principles – inaction, action, and forbidden action and the types of knowledge associated. The ultimate knowledge is of one’s divine nature. To be able so see Truth beyond the illusion leads to the perfection achieved in time following the path of Yoga (skillful action with complete awareness of one’s higher Self). This knowledge is what leads to the severing of the bonds of Karma (cause and effect and suffering). It’s important to remember that Sri Krishna is still urging Arjuna along the path of Karma yoga – his knowledge of his right action is his path and where equanimity is found.

Look forward to virtually seeing you soon and stay healthy!

For our next meeting on 23 April 2020, please read chapter 4, paying close attention to slokas 37 – 42. A livestream link will be circulated – please sign-up through the Unity Woods Website or be in contact with Dörthe.

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